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Street Parking Podcast

Nov 26, 2019

Miranda sits down with Street Parking’s newest coach, Maize Derrick! From growing up in a military lifestyle, becoming a professional dancer, to working out at 3 in the morning - listen in to hear her full story!



00:00 - Maize Derrick

06:00 - Dancing

08:50 - Miranda’s Plays

10:30 - Getting Lost in what we do

11:30 - Perfectionism

12:30 - Laugh about it

15:40 - High Level Dancing

18:00 - The Military Life

19:00 -Maize’s Husband

20:30 - Being Active

21:45 - Choices

23:00 - Don’t Push It

24:00 - Setting an Example

25:00 - Earning a Gold Star

26:00 - Child Miracle

33:00 - EMotions in Workouts

34:00 - Maize’s Morning Routine

35:45 - Setting Up for the Rest of the Day



Miranda’s Instagram

Julian’s Instagram

Street Parking Instagram


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