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Street Parking Podcast

Apr 27, 2020

The Alcaraz’s breakdown the week of Baby B’s due date!  



00:00 - Any day now!

06:30 - Getting out of the House

07:45 - Fitness, adjustments, and soaking it in all in!


Miranda’s Instagram

Julian’s Instagram

Street Parking

Street Parking Instagram


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We use language to encode and decode our thoughts in order to transfer or exchange them with others.  So you have a set of tools, pretty similar to the people around you. When you think of something and want to tell someone, you must express the thought using words that you know. That person must also know those same...

Apr 20, 2020

Baby Banner is due any day now! Tune in as we wrap up the final week of the pregnancy journey.



00:00 - Prepping for Labor 

04:15 - Mid Wife 

06:45 - Knox Anticipating Banner 

08:50 - Symptoms 

11:00 - Parenting Styles 

11:50 - A Letter to Remind Me 

14:15 - Pizza Night 


Miranda’s Instagram

Apr 20, 2020

“The margin of error of the human condition is often our greatest area of excellence and discovery” - Stewart Stafford 


“Saru mo ki kara ochiru”


We are force fed ideas of perfection. We are told that if it isn’t “this”, then it isn’t good enough. We are bombarded with distortions of reality that...

Apr 13, 2020

The Alcaraz wrap up the week with their update on the pregnancy, how Miranda has been feeling, and what they’re anticipating the most.




00:00 - The Coronavirus

03:30 - Baby B Update

06:40 - Sleep Schedule

10:00 - Keeping up with fitness

11:50 - What are you looking forward to?

13:30 - Knox...