Dec 13, 2021
We are publishing episode 22 from the THE INTRO W/ MDV Pod
hosted by Matt Dellavalle, which can be found at
Matt DellaValle, aka “MDV” is Chief Fitness Officer at NCFIT, and he is all about fitness, health, and...
Jul 6, 2020
Miranda breaks down what the past two months has been like with Baby Banner joining in the family of four!
00:00 - Banner’s birth
05:50 - Naps
13:02 - Getting in Some Movement Again
14:30 - Rehab
20:26- Knox loves Banner
Apr 27, 2020
The Alcaraz’s breakdown the week of Baby B’s due date!
00:00 - Any day now!
06:30 - Getting out of the House
07:45 - Fitness, adjustments, and soaking it in all in!
If you enjoyed this...
Apr 20, 2020
Baby Banner is due any day now! Tune in as we wrap up the final week of the pregnancy journey.
00:00 - Prepping for Labor
04:15 - Mid Wife
06:45 - Knox Anticipating Banner
08:50 - Symptoms
11:00 - Parenting Styles
11:50 - A Letter to Remind Me
14:15 - Pizza Night
Apr 13, 2020
The Alcaraz wrap up the week with their update on the pregnancy, how Miranda has been feeling, and what they’re anticipating the most.
00:00 - The Coronavirus
03:30 - Baby B Update
06:40 - Sleep Schedule
10:00 - Keeping up with fitness
11:50 - What are you looking forward to?
13:30 - Knox...